Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Birdie May

We've got a visitor and new best friend. On Monday Birdie fell through a crack in the wall right out of her nest and in our house. We've been taking care of her since and totally fell in love. She is just the cutest thing. We are pretty sure she is a blackbird, about 14 days old. She is doing very well, eats and poops a lot and loves to sit on my husband's shoulder. Sometimes right after feeding she falls asleep in my hand. She can't fly yet but will be in a few days. Gotta start with feeding her worms in a few days too. Gross!! She should be ready to leave us and live on her own in about 2 weeks. I will update some more pictures soon. Until then cross your fingers that she will make it please...

Pretty Birdie

Snuggly Birdie

Happy Birdie

Sassy Birdie


Birdie learned flying 2 days later as is reunited with his mommy & daddy. We found out that once blackbird babies leave the nest, the bird parents will feed their babies 2 more weeks until they are ready to take care of themselves. So after two of his siblings landed inside our house as well, we brought them all outside and watched their dad bring them food and encourage them to follow him onto a nearby tree. Hooray for a happy end :)

1 comment:

  1. alles gute für den kleinen piepmatz. er wird es schon schaffen!



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